
List of current guidelines

A listing of the current WTA guidelines (in German language) can be found in our order form.

Ordering options

Order by fax or e-mail

Please send us the completed order form by fax or e-mail. You are also welcome to send us just a fax (to 089/57 86 97 29) or an e-mail (to info@wta-international.org) with the desired guidelines.

Order as pdf document

You can also order our guidelines as pdf documents. Our distribution partner Fraunhofer IRB offers the download for us at www.baufachinformation.de/wta.

Please note that the guidelines must be ordered individually when downloading. The favourable graduated prices for complete technical commissions or the guideline folder are not possible here.

Shipping costs

We charge the following shipping costs:

Shipments within Germany

up to 500 g    2,50 €
more than 500 g up to 1.000g   3,50 €
more than 1.000 g    5,50 €
Guideline folder 12,00 €

For shipments abroad we charge the actual postage costs.


Dipl.-Betriebswirt (FH)
Susanne Schneider
Reisingerstraße 10
D-85737 Ismaning

Phone: +49 (0)89 578 697 27
Fax:      +49 (0)89 578 697 29


Below you will find the table of contents and the abstracts of the individual recommendations as pdf files behind the recommendation numbers.
For ordering (German versions) please use the order form.

TC 1 Timber and Timber Protection


Thermal processings for control of insects attack on wood in buildings

20,00 €

Dry rot – identification, living conditions, preventive measures, controlling chemical measures, list of performance

25,00 €
1-4-00/D Construction protection of wood on historical buildings – Part 2: Roof truss 17,50 €

Sample taking on Wood – Research on fungi, insects, wood preservatives, wood age and wood type

20,00 €

Wood supplement

20,00 €

Disinfection of  timber, contaminated by wood protection compounds
Part 1: Assessment and Risk evaluation

25,00 €

Disinfection of timber, contaminated by wood protection compounds
Part 2: Procedures for reduction of contamination

25,00 €

Special measures to control and prevention of wood-destroying insects and fungi in wooden material

20,00 €
1-11-23/D Special measures in wood protection, Part 2: Preventional measures in buildings 30,00 €

TC 2 Surface Technology


Assessment and Repair of Cracked Rendering on  Facades

25,00 €

Protective Systems with Respect to Grafiti-Sollin

17,50 €

Lime-based plaster for architectural heritage

40,00 €

Assessment of effectiveness of Anti-Graffiti-Systems (AGS)

15,00 €

Renovation mortar systems

25,00 €

Sacrificial plasters

17,50 €

Gypsum mortar in historic masonry and on facades

20,00 €
2-12-13/D Facade coating systems for mineralic substrates in the field of old building restoration 25,00 €

External Thermal Insulation Composite Systems (ETICS), Maintenance, Renovation, Enhancement

25,00 €

Functional renderings

20,00 €


TC 3 Natural Stone and Artificial Stone


Restoration for natural stone according to WTA I: Cleaning

15,00 €

Technology of restoration of natural stone: Production of copies by moulding

15,00 €

Restoration of natural stones according to WTA II: Restoration and replacement of natural stone

15,00 €

Restoration of natural stones according to WTA XI: Assessment of cleaned stone surfaces

15,00 €

Restoration for natural stone according to WTA XII: Cadastral maps to characterise the state and material properties of stone buildings

20,00 €

Restoration for natural stone according to WTA III: Restoring natural stones by restoration mortars or restoration materials

15,00 €

Restoration for natural stone: Masonry joint repair

17,50 €
3-13-19/D Desalination of porous building material by means of poultices 17,50 €

Restoration of In-Situ Terrazzo

20,00 €

Restoration of artificial stone

17,50 € 
3-17-10/D Water-repelling impregnation of mineral building materials  20,00 €

Monitoring of natural stone buildings and monuments

20,00 €

Restoration of interior natural stone tiled floors

20,00 €
E-3-20-24/D Restoration of historic brickwork  

TC 4 Waterproofing


Evaluation of masonry

17,50 €

Sealing of structural elements in contact with soil at a later stage

30,00 €
E-4-6-24/D Sealing of structural elements in contact with soil at a later stage (Revision from March 2024)  

Mechanical horizontal barriers for existing buildings (Revision from April 2024)

30,00 €
4-9-19/D Subsequent sealing and restoration of building and component socles 30,00 €

Injection techniques with certified injection materials against capillary moisture transport (Revision from March 2024)

40,00 €

Measuring the water content or the moisture of mineral building materials

20,00 €

Goals and control of treatments of internal mould fungus damage

17,50 €

TC 5 Concrete


Maintenance of concrete constructions - model contract

20,00 €
5-6-99/D Assessment of Concrete Structures 15,00 €
5-7-99/D Testing and Maintenance of Concrete Structures 15,00 €
5-8-93/D Protection and restoration of concrete: Prerequisites for the substrate, preparation and testing 17,50 €

Protection and restoration of conrete: Requirements

20,00 €
5-17-21/D Protection and restoration of concrete: Restoration concepts 15,00 €

Injection of gel

15,00 €

Bounded construction method – historic block pavement

17,50 €

Monitoring the quality of fresh concrete in Switzerland

20,00 €

TC 6 Building Physics


A guide to hygrothermal computer simulations

17,50 €

Simulation of Heat and Moisture Transfer

30,00 €
E-6-2-24/D Simulation of Heat and Moisture Transfer (revision) free

Calculative prognosis of mould growth risk

45,00 €

Internal thermal insulation according to WTA I: planning guide

17,50 €

Interior insulation according to WTA II: Evaluation of internal insulation systems with numerical design methods

15,00 €

Assessment of humidity in timber constructions – simplified verifications and simulation

17,50 €

Airtightness of buildings, Part 1: General principies of planning

20,00 €
6-10-15/D Airtightness of buildings, Part 2: Detailed planning and execution  20,00 €

Airtightness of buildings, Part 3: Measuring Procedure

15,00 €

Climate and climate stability in historic buildings

20,00 €

Drying techniques for water saturated building elements, Part 1: General principles

20,00 €

Drying techniques for water saturated building elements: Planning, execution and controling

30,00 €
6-18-19/D  Infrared thermography for buildings 30,00 €
E-6-19-24/D Wall heating - Part 1: Basics  


TC 7 Structural Behavior and Damage Diagnostics


Conservation and maintenance of masonry – Construction and structural behaviour

20,00 € 

Historical timber structures State determination and assessment of the load bearing capacity of damaged and deformed timber structures

30,00 €
7-4-21/D Assessment of the compressive strength of existing masonry made of small-sized bricks or blocks 25,00 €


TC 8 Half Timber and Timber Construction


Restoration of half-timbered buildings according to WTA I – Requirements for half-timbered buildings with respect to building physics

17,50 €

Restoration of half-timbered buildings according to WTA II – Checklist for planning and execution

15,00 €
8-3-22/D Restoration of half-timbered buildings according to WTA III – Partitions in visible, half-timbered constructions    25,00 €

Restoration of half-timbered buildings according to WTA IV – Exterior facings

20,00 €
8-5-18/D Restoration of half-timbered buildings according to WTA V – Internal thermal insulation systems 25,00 €

Restoration of half-timbered buildings according to WTA VI – Coatings on half-timbered facades partitions / plasters on partitions

15,00 €

Restoration of half-timbered buildings according to WTA VII – Coatings on half-timbered walls / timber

15,00 € 

Restoration of half-timbered buildings according to WTA VIII – Load bearing behaviour of half-timbered buildings

17,50 €
8-9-23/D Restoration of half-timbered buildings according to WTA IX – Instruction for half-timbered buildings (revision from February 2023) 17,50 €
8-10-20/D Restoration of half-timbered buildings according to WTA X - Thermal insulation for half-timbered buildings 25,00 €

Restoration of half-timbered buildings according to WTA XI – Noise control in half-timbered buildings

17,50 €
8-12-17/D Fire protection of half-timbered buildings and wooden components   20,00 €
8-13-13/D Rehabilitation of timber beam floors according to WTA I – Vibrations, Deflections, Strength 20,00 €

Rehabilitation of timber beam floors according to WTA II – Beam ends in exterior walls

20,00 €


TC 10 Preventive Conservation


Preventive conservation of architectural stained glass

25,00 €

Climate and climate stability in historic buildings II: Climate target values

35,00 €


TC 11 Fire Protection

11-1-20/D Fire protection in existing buildings and for architectural monuments according to WTA I: Basics 20,00 €

Fire protection in the existing building and for architectural monuments according to WTA II: basic evaluation / analysis-phase

25,00 €

Fire protection in the existing building and for architectural monuments according to WTA III: fire protection planning

20,00 €



Dipl.-Betriebswirt (FH)
Susanne Schneider
Linprunstraße 35, Rgb.
D-80335 München

Phone: +49 (0)89 578 697 27
Fax:      +49 (0)89 578 697 29


Guidelines in Englisch Language

We are in the process of translating WTA-Guidelines of international interest into English.

The English versions are only available as downloads from our sales partner Fraunhofer-Informationszentrum Raum und Bau IRB. A link to the webside of IRB and the download offer is to be found next to the guideline number.

The following guidelines are available in English language:

Renovation plaster systems

WTA-Guideline 2-09-20/E                   Download


Technical requirements for renovation plasters are specified in the WTA guideline “Renovation mortar systems”. Systems of renovation mortars are generally composed of a splatter dash plaster, sometimes a base plaster, the actual renovation plaster, and a top layer or a coat of paint. These materials have to be tuned with respect to each another. Test methods and measurements for quality assurance are described and details of the processing are explained. The WTA certification process for renovation mortar systems is described. Some problems of planning and processing are also discussed.

External Thermal Insulation Composite Systems (ETICS) - Maintenance, Renovation, Enhancement

WTA-Guideline 2-13-15/E                   Download


This WTA guideline deals with the evaluation of existing External Thermal Insulation Composite Systems (ETICS) with expanded polystyrene and mineral wool, and gives guidelines for their routine inspection, maintenance and renovation. Moreover, aspects of improving the energetic performance of existing systems are discussed.

Simulation of heat and moisture transfer

WTA-Guideline 6-2 Edition: 12.2014/E                  Download


High moisture in building components can result in hygienic problems, damage to materials and energy losses. The first edition of this guideline provided internationally recognised methods for realistic analyses of transient temperature and moisture behaviour in building components. It has served as basis for an international standard on this topic. This new edition of the guideline accounts for the advances in science and technology. It provides specifications for numerical simulation methods and recommendations for their practical application. The underlying model descriptions and necessary material parameters are specified. Furthermore, the choice of climatic boundary conditions, the accuracy check procedure and the documentation of input and output data is described. Contrary to the standardised steady-state Glaser method, the numerical simulation includes the heat and moisture storage of building materials as well as latent heat effects by condensation or evaporation and the parallel occurrence of vapour diffusion and liquid transport. The climatic boundary conditions are temperature, relative humidity, radiation and precipitation. The hygrothermal material parameters are generally taken from the database provided by the distributor of the simulation programme. They may also be determined by appropriate laboratory tests or approximated from standard material data.

Internal thermal insulation according to WTA I: planning guideline

WTA-Guideline 6-4 Edition: 10.2016/E                  Download


Internal thermal insulation added retroactively has an especial influence on the behaviour of the building with respect to building physics. Particular attention should be paid to vapour diffusion from inside to outside, because of likely condensation at the former inner surface of the wall, and because of the reduced drying potential of the external wall after wetting by driving rain.

This guideline is part of a series of guidelines which deal with these specific aspects of moisture transfer. General planning suggestions are made and possible risks are defined and discussed. A verification of moisture protection is vital to fully assess internal thermal insulation measures and to avoid damage resulting from the intervention.

In general, this verification of moisture protection should be conducted using computer simulations of the coupled heat-moisture transport according to WTA guidelines 6-1, 6-2 and particularly 6-5. A simplified verification procedure is presented, and the necessary boundary conditions are determined.

Fire protection in existing buildings and for architectural monuments according to WTA I: Basics

WTA-Guideline 11-1 Edition: 12.2020/E                  Download


In the event of fire, the spread of fire and smoke can lead to personal injury and damage to property. For this reason, the basic fire protection requirements for standard buildings are regulated in the model building regulations [1] or the building codes of the federal states. In addition, special constructions regulations and guidelines exist for certain special constructions, which must be observed. However, these regulations originally only apply to new buildings. Existing buildings often deviate from the currently valid building supervision regulations or the legal provisions introduced as technical building regulations. A building-specific and protection-oriented fire protection planning with appropriate consideration of the existing structure therefore requires a particularly intensive study of the fire protection requirements.
In addition to the fire protection performance of existing buildings, the escape route situation and the preventive measures to prevent the occurrence of fire and, in particular, the spread of fire or smoke must be considered from a conceptual point of view.
Fire protection occupies a special position in building law due to the considerable dangers for the users of a building and the possible consequential damage that can be avoided in the event of fire. The resulting basic and individual requirements of the model building regulations or the respective state building regulations require a thorough examination of an existing building. This guideline therefore aims to describe the principles of fire protection planning for existing buildings. Practical solutions are shown for conflicts arising from interventions in existing buildings. In this context, reference is made to relevant standards and guidelines as well as supplementary technical literature.
In addition to this guideline, other WTA guidelines from other areas of fire protection should also be taken into account.

Fire protection in the existing building and for architectural monuments according to WTA II: basic evaluation / analysis-phase

WTA-Guideline 11-2 Edition: 04.2023/E                  Download


The decisive difference between the planning of a new building, for which a consensus must be found between the functional and design ideas of the client and the design author and the corresponding legal and technical requirements, and the planning of an existing building is that the existing building (possibly a listed building) itself is added to and possibly contradicts the aforementioned aspects. This applies to fire protection issues as well as to object planning and other specialised planning.
An intensive analytical examination of the existing building, both in terms of construction technology and building law, as a basis for all considerations and planning, is therefore necessary at an early stage. Even before this, the reason for the requested (fire protection) planning must be determined. In contrast to new construction projects, where the reason is usually always the initial construction of a building, planning for existing buildings can have many reasons. As a result, the initial situation can be complex.
This guideline, therefore, compiles the most important parameters of the basic evaluation for fire protection planning in existing buildings and monuments, looks at different initial situations and the fire protection planning services required in each case, and names the most important aspects of the archival analysis of the existing building as well as the inventory and assessment of the existing building. Furthermore, the special planning service of the fire protection hazard analysis is considered.

Fire protection in the existing building and for architectural monuments according to WTA III: fire protection planning

WTA-Guideline 11-3 Edition: 04.2023/E                  Download


On the basis of WTA guidelines 11-1 and 11-2, this guideline provides information with reference to the fire protection planning phases for an appropriate approach to fire protection planning for existing buildings and historical monuments.
Fire protection planning enables the conversion or continued use of existing buildings, in addition to the conservation of so-called grey energy, that is the generation of waste in the construction industry is avoided and the amount of primary energy to be expended for constructing new buildings is avoided.
The compatibility of fire protection planning with existing buildings thus plays a special role, because it enables resources to be conserved in the building sector by means of substance-preserving preventive fire protection and comprehensive preservation of the existing building components. The requirements specific to existing buildings are described on the basis of the usual service phases in fire protection planning.
In the case of listed buildings, sufficient consideration must be given to the legal requirements for listed buildings during fire protection planning. In this respect, it is important to preserve the components of a building, which must necessarily be preserved authentically, as far as possible without adding any ingredients, on the basis of a monument preservation objective.
In the case of changes of use, additional aspects of the assessment of the either continued or interrupted protection of existing buildings must be taken into account.


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