Speicherstadt Hamburg

WTA-Days 2025 in Hamburg

Dear members of the WTA International,
Honoured guests of WTA International,

We would like to cordially invite you to the WTA Days 2025 on 13/14/15 March 2025 in Hamburg. In addition to the General Assembly of WTA International, a WTA Colloquium will also take place again.

On the evening after the WTA International General Assembly on the afternoon of 13 March 2025, the WTA International invites you to the traditional WTA event. The information and documents for the General Assembly will be available to members on the intranet from mid-February.

Friday will be dedicated to honouring the winners of the WTA Young Professional Awards and the WTA Colloquium.
The main theme of the conference is climate protection and resource conservation. Energy saving, environmental impact and the preservation of cultural heritage are particularly in focus.

We are particularly pleased to be able to offer another excursion on Saturday. After visiting the research workshop in the Speicherstadt and the Speicherstadt itself, we will conclude with a tour of the harbour.



WTA International
International Association for Science and Technology of Building Maintenance and Monuments Preservation  


Susanne Schneider
Reisinger Straße 10
D-85737 Ismaning
Tel.:    +49 89 57 86 97 27
Fax:    +49 89 57 86 97 29

Programme of events

Thursday, 13. March 2025: General Assembly of WTA International

14:00 - 17:00 General Assembly of WTA International (English)                             closed
from 19:00 WTA-Event WTA members and guests


Friday, 14. March 2025: WTA - Young Professionals Award and WTA Colloquium "Climate Protection and Resource Conservation in Historic Buildings"

08:30 - 09:00 Registration                  
09:00 - 09:15 Welcome and opening                             
09:15 - 10:00 WTA - Young Professionals Awards  
10:00 - 10:30 Coffee break  
10:30 - 12:00 Session 1

Strategies for climate protection and climate adaptation in listed buildings
Strategien zum Klimaschutz und zur Klimaanpassung im Denkmalbestand

12:00 - 13:00 Lunch break  
13:00 - 15:00

Session 2

Energy-efficient refurbishment of listed buildings
Energetische Ertüchtigung im Denkmalbestand

15:00 - 15:30 Kaffeepause  
15:30 - 17:00

Session 3

Systemic heat supply approaches for climate-neutral buildings and neighbourhoods
Systemische Wärmeversorgungsansätze für klimaneutrale Gebäude und Quartiere

17:00 - 18:00 Apero with final discussion and closing remarks  


Saturday, 15. MArch 2025: Excursion (from 09:00)

ab 09:00 Tour of the research workshop in the Speicherstadt warehouse district (H. Garrecht)      
  Guided tour through the Speicherstadt (Monument preservation)
  Harbour tour


Speicherstadt Hamburg

The exact venue will depend on the number of participants and will be announced here in good time.


Conference programme colloquium - Friday, 14.03.2025

08:30 - 09:00 Arrival and registration
09:00 - 09:15 Welcome and opening
09:15 - 10:00 WTA - Young Professionals Awards
09:15 Laudatio award winners
09:30 Presentations by the award winners

10:00 - 10:30

Coffee break

10:30 - 12:00

Session 1 - Strategies for climate protection and climate adaptation in listed buildings
                     Strategien zum Klimaschutz und zur Klimaanpassung im Denkmalbestand

                     (Moderation: Harald Garrecht)

National and European strategies for the adaptation of listed buildings
Nationale und europäische Klimaanpassungsstrategien für den Denkmalbestand
Kristina Krafczyk, Niedersächsisches Landesamt für Denkmalpflege Hannover


Climate change and cultural heritage - impact and options for action
Klimawandel und Kulturerbe - Betroffenheit und Handlungsoptionen
ebastian Krück / Stefan Bichlmair / Ralf Kilian, IBP Holzkirchen


Between heritage and innovation: Municipal Monument Concepts for the energy transition in Bavaria
Zwischen Erbe und Fortschritt: Kommunale Denkmalkonzepte für die Energiewende in Bayern 

Franziska Haas / S. Sommer, Bayerisches Landesamt für Denkmalpflege

12:00 - 13:00

Lunch break

13:00 - 15:00

Session 2 – Energy-efficient refurbishment of listed buildings
                    Energetische Ertüchtigung im Denkmalbestand

                     (Moderation: Heinrich Wigger)


New insulation systems for the restoration of energy-efficient and resource-saving half-timbered houses
Neuartige Dämmsysteme zur energieeffizienten und ressourcenschonenden Fachwerkinstandsetzung

Frank Eßmann / Andrea Lilienthal, University Wiesbaden / Technical University Cottbus


Mineral aerogel-based high-performance insulating plasters
Mineralische Aerogel-basierte Hochleistungsdämmputze

Christoph Dworatzyk, AEROLIGHT


Building materials from the moor in use
Baustoffe aus dem Moor in der Anwendung

Jan-Pillip Lotsch / Carolin Bruns, Jade University Oldenburg


Stamped clay - old material in new buildings from the perspective of the structural engineer

Stampflehm - alter Werkstoff in neuen Gebäuden aus der Sicht des Tragwerkplaners
Toralf Burkert, Jäger Ingenieure GmbH

15:10 - 15:30

Coffee break

15:30 - 17:00

Session 3 – Systemic heat supply approaches for climate-neutral buildings and neighbourhoods
                      Systemische Wärmeversorgungsansätze für klimaneutrale Gebäude und Quartiere

                       (Moderation: Johannes Maier)


Cold district heating net - renewable energies supply buildings and neighborhoods
Kalte Nahwärme - Erneuerbare Energien versorgen Gebäude und Quartiere

John Grunewald, Technical University Dresden


CO-2 neutral world heritage Speicherstadt Hamburg - Supplying buildings with latent heat from the environment
CO-2 neutrales Welterbe Speicherstadt Hamburg - Mit latenter Wärme der Umwelt Gebäude versorgen

Harald Garrecht, University Stuttgart


Transformation towards a carbon free built environment
Wandel hin zu einer kohlenstofffreien bebauten Umwelt 

Alexandra Troi, EURAC, Bolzano

17:00 Apero with final discussion and closing remarks
President, WTA International
18:00 Ende of the event


Excursion programme - Saturday, 15.03.2025, from 09:00

Tour of the research workshop in the Speicherstatt (guided tour: Harald Garrecht)

Tour of special objects in the Speicherstadt (guided tour: monument preservation)

Harbour tour


Participation fees and registration

The cost of participation per person is:

WTA Event  
WTA member     free
Guest   50,00 €
WTA Colloquium  
WTA member / authorities 130,00 €                                                                          
Guest 160, 00 €
Student (initial training)    40,00 €
All participants    35,00 €


Please register by e-mail or fax using the registration form.


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