Old Town hall

Welcome to the WTA Czechia


The company's mission is to develop the members professional knowledge and creative abilities to satisfy and promote their professional interests, as well as to popularise restoration processes in the reconstruction and restoration of buildings. The company:

  • creates conditions for the members association for hobby and professional activities,
  • enables and organises professional contacts, exchange experience, consultations and joint solutions for professional problems,
  • obtains and disseminates scientific, technical, economic information,
  • organises educational activities and participates in retraining and lifelong education,,
  • develops editorial activities,
  • provides expertise, advisory and consulting activities,
  • is a national group of foreign companies WTA e.V. (WTA International)

prof. Ing. Rostislav Drochytka, CSc., MBA, dr. h. c..
chairman of WTA CZ z.s.

1. Restoration and protection of wood

Work group leader:
doc. Ing. Jan Vaněrek, Ph.D.
VUT v Brně, fakulta stavební
Veveří 331/95, 602 00 Brno
tel.: +420 605 449 831
E-mail: vanerek.j@fce.vutbr.cz

Over the long-term, the "Restoration and protection of wood" work group has been dealing with the issue of diagnosing the condition of wooden structures and methodical methods of identifying damage to wood by biotic and abiotic agents. The content's supporting part is devoted to the issue of designing an effective remediation reflecting the manner and extent of damage. Additionally, the latest scientific and practical knowledge as well as experience are regularly presented as part of the activity by means the means of organised seminars and conferences. The work group's main activity consists in solving the following main topics:

  • biotic and abiotic damage to wood;
  • wood protection principles in the construction industry – structural protection, chemical protection, physical methods of wood restoration;
  • old wood and its reuse;
  • decontaminating contaminated wood;
  • secondary protection of wood using coating systems;
  • modified wood, wood refinement.

2. Surface treatments

Work group leader:
Ing. Radka Navrátilová, Ph.D.
Kloknerův ústav ČVUT
Šolínova 7, 166 08 Praha 6
tel.: +420 224 353 856
mobil: +420 777 683 727
E-mail: radka.pernicova@cvut.cz

The task of the "Surface treatment" work group is the protection and interaction of the surface of buildings with the external environment. The group's activities are largely focused on plastering systems. It's not just their design and application that are covered here, but they are also looked at in terms of evaluation, repairs and history. The work group also includes facade coatings, external thermal insulation composite system (ETICS) along with anti-graffiti and other protective systems. The work group's main areas of activity can be divided into the following topics:

  • Restoration plaster systems
  • Plasters in historic preservation
  • Plasters in historic preservation
  • Anti-graffiti
  • External thermal insulation composite system (ETICS)
  • External thermal insulation composite system (ETICS)

3. Natural and artificial stone

Work group leader:
RNDr. Kateřina Krutilová, Ph.D.
Zkušebna kamene a kameniva, s.r.o.
Husova 675, 508 01 Hořice
tel.: +420 493 620 177
mobil: +420 604 747 968
E-mail: krutilova@zkk.cz

The "Natural and artificial stone" work group's content focuses on topics related to the use of natural stone in the past and present, especially its use on cultural monuments, historical buildings and other construction works. One of this group's areas of this group is ascertaining the provenance of the natural stone used on monuments or buildings and their possible replacements for reconstruction where the original material can no longer be obtained. The work group's main areas of activity can be divided into the following topics:

  • Restoration of natural stone buildings
  • Restoration of natural stone monuments
  • Production of copies of monuments from natural stone
  • Tile and natural stone floor repairs
  • Designing replacement stone for restoration

4. Masonry restoration and protection

Work group leader:
Ing. Jaroslav Pánik
Rooseveltova 2, 746 01 Opava
tel.: +420 553 615 268
mobil: +420 603 158 612
E-mail: sanierung@seznam.cz

The work content of the "Masonry renovation and protection" work group is renovating masonry constructions against the effects of water and excessive moisture, usually in the lower section of both historic and modern buildings.

Professionals carrying out activities are associated with the following:

  • diagnosing the causes of moisture and damp as well as an analysis of structural elements in terms of humidity and salinity,
  • design activity,
  • construction implementation (remediation) that uses special remediation methods, technologies and measures, e.g.:
  • mechanical methods for additional masonry insulation,
  • injection methods,
  • sealing systems,
  • air insulation systems,
  • remedial surface treatments.

Experts in the field are brought together by the work group, both at the academic and practical level, with the aim of increasing the expertise and quality level of building restoration through educational, lecturing and methodical activities (WTA guidelines).

5. Concrete restoration and protection

Work group leader:
doc. Ing. Pavel Reiterman, Ph.D.
ČVUT v Praze, fakulta stavební, Experimentállní centrum
Thákurova 7, 166 29 Praha 6
tel.: +420 224 354 376
mobil: +420 737 752 636
E-mail: pavel.reiterman@fsv.cvut.cz

The activity of the "Concrete restoration and protection" work group focuses on topics related to the maintenance of existing concrete structures, but gradually, quite naturally, it also intervenes much more often in the area of protecting reinforced concrete buildings that are heritage-protected. One of this work group's core areas of activity is the development of modern restoration materials for extending the life of reinforced concrete structures. Sharing the latest knowledge from the field of science and technology in relation to concrete in the form of organised courses and conferences is an integral part of this. The main activity areas of the "Restoration of concrete structures" work group can be divided into the following topics:

  • Development of modern restoration materials
  • Inspection and maintenance of concrete structures
  • Historical concrete buildings
  • Waterproofing concrete structures
  • Durability of concrete in an aggressive environment

6. Physical-chemical principles

Work group leader:
doc. Ing. Jiří Bydžovský, CSc.
VUT v Brně, fakulta stavební
Vevří 331/95, 602 00 Brno
tel.: +420 541 147 505
mobil: +420 603 416 247
E-mail: bydzovsky.j@fce.vutbr.cz

The physical-chemical principles work group is professionally oriented primarily to the interaction of building materials and structures with various external influences, for example humidity, the effect of gases contained in the atmosphere (carbonation, sulphation, etc.) and other physical or chemical processes. Activities include procedures for monitoring processes and their influence on the microstructure using appropriate methods (XRD, DTA, XRF, CT...), and evaluation mainly with regard to durability, mechanical resistance and other building material properties.

7. Load-bearing capacity analysis of buildings

Work group leader:
prof. Ing. Pavel Kuklík, CSc.
ČVUT v Praze, fakulta stavební
Thákurova 7, 166 29 Praha 6
tel.: +420 224 354 486
mobil: +420 725 576 616
E-mail: kuklikpa@fsv.cvut.cz

The "Load-bearing capacity analysis of buildings" work group is professionally oriented to evaluate the reliability of historical buildings using modern calculation and diagnostic methods. When dealing with reliability, we offer advisory and consulting cooperation. We are also able to recommend a strategy for building's future maintenance and control using the most modern approaches and methods that are hidden under the internationally recognised acronyms HMS (Health Monitoring Systems) and IoT (Internet of Things).

8. Half-timbered and timbered structures

Work group leader:
Ing. Bohuslav Vykouk
Design Studio Projekční ateliér V.ateliér
tel.: +420 312 520 718
mobil: +420 608 367 995
E-mail: v.atelier@seznam.cz

The activities of the "Half-timbered and timbered structures" work group are focused on methodical and advisory assistance in the design, repair and reconstruction of buildings with used half-timbered and timbered structures. These are mainly cultural monuments, historical buildings and other construction works. Specialists participate in creating methodical materials, lecture activities and technical assistance, especially in the areas of:

  • rescue of historical buildings with half-timbered and timbered structures
  • methodical assistance in the design of technological repair procedures
  • cooperation with heritage preservation specialists in the mentioned activities
  • database for material that is suitable for the repair of these buildings
  • consultation on modifications of buildings for further full use while preserving the building's original character
  • consultation in the design of new buildings with used half-timbered and timber structural elements

9. Fire protection

Work group leader:
Ing. Petr Beneš, CSc.
VUT v Brně, fakulta stavební
Veveří 331/95, 602 00 Brno
tel.: +420 541 147 405
E-mail: benes.p@fce.vutbr.cz

The "Fire Protection" work group focuses on the specific issue of ensuring fire safety in reconstructed buildings with a focus on heritage-protected buildings and structures. The existing legislative requirements for newly built buildings cannot be applied for the fire safety of such buildings. Almost every reconstructed object requires a specific (so-called engineering) approach with regard to solving fire safety issues. The main objective is to improve the fire safety of the reconstructed building while preserving its historical value, with the expenditure of reasonable costs for the fire safety of the historic building. 

10. Steel and glass

Work group leader:
prof. Ing. Martina Eliášová, CSc.
ČVUT v Praze, fakulta stavební
Thákurova 7, 160 00 Praha 6
tel.: +420 224 354 921
E-mail: eliasova@fsv.cvut.cz

The "Steel and glass" work group focuses on glass in building constructions, both from the viewpoint of the combination of steel/iron and glass construction in historical buildings, and the use of glass in new buildings to protect monuments or cultural heritage elements. Due to their transparency, glass and glass structures are often used as a protective envelope for artifacts or elements of cultural heritage. For their design and evaluation, including details, there are currently not enough standard regulations and documents in terms of reliability and safety. Therefore, an integral part of the group's activities is sharing of the latest knowledge among the wider professional public.

Membership in the Scientific and Technical Society for the Restoration of Buildings and the Care of Monuments z.s. WTA CZ is voluntary and is regulated in accordance with Act of the Czech Republic No. 83/1990 Coll., on Associations of Citizens as amended and following the company's articles of association and principles for accepting members.

Membership in WTA CZ facilitates access to WTA CZ / WTA International guidelines and other professional publications, enables obtaining significant discounts at events organised by WTA CZ and ensures the opportunity of participating in the running of the entire association.

For more information, please contact the wta@wta.cz company secretariat.

Scientific and technical company for the restoration of buildings and care for monuments z.s. WTA CZ grants authorisation in the field of restoring masonry buildings against moisture and in cooperation with SSBK - Association for the restoration of concrete structures grants authorisation in the field of restoring concrete structures.

Authorisation is granted in accordance with the Authorisation Rules for the Restoration of Masonry Buildings Against Moisture and in accordance with the Authorisation Rules for the Restoration of Concrete Structures, issued by the above associations.  People with a full university education and three years' professional experience, or with a secondary education and five years' professional experience, can apply for authorisation.

For more information, please contact the wta@wta.cz company secretariat.


Testing commission

prof. Ing. Rostislav Drochytka, CSc., MBA, dr. h. c. (WTA CZ)

doc. Ing. Jiří Bydžovský, CSc. (WTA CZ)
Ing. Zdeněk Jeřábek, CSc., MBA, EUR Ing., FEng. (SSBK)
Ing. Aleš Jakubík, Ph.D. (SSBK)

Alternate members
Ing. Pavel Dohnálek, Ph.D. (WTA CZ)


Testing commission

Ing. Jaroslav Pánik

prof. RNDr. Pavla Rovnaníková, CSc.
Ing. arch. Miloš Solař, Ph.D.
Ing. Pavel Šťastný, CSc.
doc. Ing. Karel Šuhajda, Ph.D.

Scientific and technical company for restoration of buildings and care for monuments z.s. WTA CZ makes available to its members the latest information in the field of restoration of buildings and the care of monuments. It is the independent publisher of the WTA Newsletter, collections of lectures from professional conferences, professional publications of WTA CZ and SSBK, selected translations of the WTA Guidelines published by WTA International in Czech language. At the same time, it also ensures the distribution of the original WTA Guidelines issued by WTA INTERNATIONAL in German or English.

For more information, please contact the wta@wta.cz company secretariat.


Current No. 3-4 2023


Zpravodaj WTA CZ 1-4 2020

Zpravodaj WTA CZ 1-2 2021

Zpravodaj WTA CZ 3-4 2021

Zpravodaj WTA CZ 1-2 2022

Zpravodaj WTA CZ 3-4 2022

Zpravodaj WTA CZ 1-2 2023

For authors


For more information, please contact the wta@wta.cz company secretariat.


For more information, please contact the wta@wta.cz company secretariat.




Scientific and technical company for the restoration of buildings and care for monuments z.s. WTA CZ is the organiser of a number of professional events, that are currently published on the WTA CZ website. Most events are prepared in the national Czech language.

Scientific and technical company for the restoration of buildings and care for monuments z.s. WTA CZ is the organiser of international conferences, which are prepared as multilingual.

Invitation to the CRRB conference

For more information, please contact the wta@wta.cz company secretariat or you can get information on the Czech version of www.wta.cz.


Ing. Helena Šubrtová

WTA CZ z.s.
Vědeckotechnická společnost pro sanace staveb a péči o památky z.s. 

Novotného lávka 5, 116 68 Praha 1
tel.: +420 221 082 397
mobil: +420 723 007 631
e-mail: wta@wta.cz

The company is registered at the Municipal Court in Prague under L9143
Business ID No: 75088762, Tax ID No: CZ75088762
Bank account number: 35-8088350297/0100 Komerční banka a.s.


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