Erneuerbare Energien


Welcome to the WTA Commission "Climate Protection, Energy and Simulation"

We´re on! The establishment of our department marks a new milestone for climate protection and the use of renewable energies. We are proud to be able to present the latest developments and innovative approaches to you here.

Our Mission: To promote the combination of tradition and innovation by using digital technologies to preserve our cultural heritage and lead it into a sustainable future.

Our Aim: Promote decentralized, renewable energy concepts to reduce dependence on imported energy and strengthen security of supply. We rely on solar, wind, geothermal and other local energy sources to make our historic buildings energy-efficient.

What we offer: A platform for the exchange of knowledge and practical experience in order to harmoniously combine climate protection and heritage conservation. We bring people together who want to work for environmental protection and the preservation of cultural heritage.

Innovations & added values:

Contact persons

Prof. Dr.-Ing. John Grunewald
TU Dresden

Dipl.-Ing. Katja Tribulowski
TU Dresden

Dipl.-Geogr. Anita Morandell Meißner
TU Dresden

Total Number of Members: in formation

Adapting to climate change: Our research shows that we can reduce the energy requirements of historic buildings without compromising their historic substance.

Effects of climate change on architectural monuments:

Listed buildings generally consume significantly more energy than modern buildings and do not meet today's energy standards. This not only leads to increased operating costs, but can also jeopardize the substance of the listed buildings in the long term due to vacancy. Climate change-related phenomena such as increased rainfall, temperature fluctuations and extreme weather events as well as the drying out of the building ground also contribute to damage to the building fabric. Research in the field of energy-efficient refurbishment of historic buildings suggests that targeted measures can significantly reduce energy requirements without compromising the historic fabric and that buildings can thus be made more resilient to extreme weather events.

Local, renewable sources: We use innovative technologies and approaches to tap into local energy sources and use them sustainably.

Decentralized renewable district solutions:

Decentralized district concepts focus on the most self-sufficient supply of renewable energy possible from the surrounding area. The municipal heating plans of cities and communities show that it is much easier to tap into land potential and integrate various sources at district level. This makes it easier to co-supply listed buildings in a neighborhood.

Technical aspects:

  • Energy source of the future: The seasonal shifting of heat and cold by using the ground is a sensible strategy in our latitudes.
  • Utilizing the potential of cold local heating networks in conjunction with near-surface geothermal energy.
  • "Fit for renewables" for refurbishment in existing buildings takes precedence over "saving money, whatever the cost"!
  • Tapping into local, renewable sources and using them sustainably instead of importing and transporting energy over long distances.

Socio-economic aspects:

  • Involving residents in the development of sustainable energy district concepts, strengthening the social concept, creating win-win situations and defusing conflicts.
  • Development of new business models for energy suppliers (use of local areas for PV, geothermal energy, heat storage).
  • Overcoming energy poverty through low operating costs based on renewable building energy supply.

Digital planning: We use digital tools to optimize planning and maintain historical values.

Use of digital planning tools:

Capturing the individuality and complexity of historic buildings often poses a particular challenge. The uncritical application of traditional methods and standards can, for example, lead to the incorrect or oversizing of technical systems. On the other hand, the possibility of a digital building survey, on which many of the subsequent calculations are based, has developed considerably. Recording the relevant parameters of buildings using modern digital technology and barrier-free further use in digital building planning tools support needs-based planning.

In addition to the analysis and optimization of energy requirements, the development of local, sustainable energy sources is a particularly important component. Of course, the CO2 emissions of the materials used in the renovation also play a major role, as do the CO2 emissions saved through the preservation of historic buildings in the form of gray energy. Last but not least, climate protection measures should be checked for effectiveness after implementation. This includes the precise calculation of heating and cooling energy requirements, the modeling of air flows and pollutant distributions, the prevention of damage to building components caused by moisture and mould, and the calculation of heating networks and energy systems.

The department's close links with research in the fields of architecture, building physics, renewable energy systems and software development add important aspects of environmental protection and sustainability to the WTA's range of expertise. This frames innovative technologies and approaches for energy efficiency as well as methods for assessing and reducing the ecological footprint of monuments.

Be part of our working groups:

  • Regenerative planning methods and building information models
  • Development of local renewable sources
  • District concepts & networks
  • Sustainable materials & life cycle
  • Digital quality assurance & monitoring

Shaping things together: If you work in one of these areas and are passionate about climate protection, renewable energy and the preservation of our cultural heritage, then you've come to the right place! Become part of our community and contribute your expertise.

Innovation meets tradition: Involvement in the WTA-Commission

Shaping together: The WTA's “Climate Protection and Digitization” unit is calling on a wide range of experts and enthusiasts. If you work in one of these areas and are passionate about climate protection, renewable energy and the preservation of our cultural heritage, then you've come to the right place! Become part of our community and contribute your expertise.

Your participation means far more than just contributing to influencing key issues such as climate protection and the ongoing digitalization. It opens up a world of networking and offers countless opportunities for professional development.

Profilbild Prof. Dr.-Ing. John Grunewald
Prof. Dr.-Ing. John Grunewald


Prof. Dr.-Ing. John Grunewald
TU Dresden

Presentation of the working groups of Commission 12

Working Group 12.1: Regenerative planning methods and building information models

Initial situation and objectives: Architectural monuments are part of our cultural heritage. They are places of remembrance, create identity and are repositories of knowledge that need to be preserved for future generations. In the recent past, high energy prices and advancing climate change have increasingly led to discussions about the energy supply and energy-efficient refurbishment of listed buildings.

The constant availability of cheap fossil fuels has led to a downgrading of the value of energy in the past. The energy optimization of buildings in the planning stage is still not common practice (the energy pass is the regulatory proof at the end of the planning stage). The oversizing of technical building systems has so far made it difficult to integrate regenerative sources economically. Fossil-based planning approaches are therefore no longer up to date.

Instead, new planning methods for renewable energy sources must now be established. Regenerative planning methods rely on the use of digital twins to map real conditions. These support the precise design of supply concepts in order to take account of the limited availability of renewable sources. This requires the consistent implementation of building information models (BIM) as part of the digitalization of planning processes.

Main focus of work:

  • Building-specific, dynamic, year-cyclical determination of energy requirements and evaluation of user comfort
  • Upgrading buildings for renewable energy systems (e.g. low system temperatures, energy demand optimization, storage effects and load shifting)
  • Selection of suitable technical system solutions for existing buildings (distribution systems, transmission systems, communication systems, control strategies)
  • Creation and description of practicable workflows for BIM (e.g. documentation of suitable software applications, interface definitions and exchange formats)
  • The aim of the working group is therefore to collect and, if necessary, standardize the terms used in practice with regard to heat, water and water vapor transport.

The results of the working group meetings should be published as a status report. If necessary, corresponding information sheets can be generated from this.

Dirk Weiß
Acting head: Dirk Weiß


Dirk Weiß

Building in SIM-VICUS
Building representation in SIM-VICUS


Members of the Working Group

Are you looking for a suitable expert from WG 12.1? You are welcome to search for your expert in the list of members.



Working group 12.2: Development of local renewable sources

Initial situation and objectives: The energy-efficient refurbishment of existing buildings is essential for the success of the energy transition due to their significant number and higher consumption. The use of renewable energy sources in existing buildings and listed buildings is more complex than in new buildings. The buildings and their supply concepts are generally designed for the availability of fossil fuels, high flow temperatures and small heat transfer surfaces.

The current focus on photovoltaic systems on particularly valuable existing buildings appears to be short-term and not holistic. Instead, decentralized district concepts must be given greater focus in order to supply listed buildings in the district. A regenerative energy supply for existing buildings is usually an individual task. It must therefore consider a wide range of possible local heating, cooling and electricity sources and requires a complex consideration of building use, source availability, building fabric, supply concept and renovation planning.

The working group takes the technical building conditions as a basis for planning and deals with the development of locally available regenerative sources.


Hans Petzold

Main focus of work:

  • Development and evaluation of local renewable energy sources
    • Electricity, heating and cooling supply
    • Geothermal energy, photovoltaics, solar thermal energy, wood pellets, heat pump technology
    • Land potential for energy generation, distribution and storage
  • Site assessment
    • Data preparation from digital databases
    • GIS systems
    • Environmental cadastre
Ground collector for the extraction of geothermal energy
Ground collector for the extraction of geothermal energy


Members of the Working Group

Are you looking for a suitable expert from WG 12.2? You are welcome to search for your expert in the list of members.



Working Group 12.3: District concepts and networks

Initial situation and objectives: To date, the building stock in our cities has largely been supplied with fossil fuels via direct gas connections or district heating. Both building owners and network operators therefore need to think about suitable transformation paths. This process is now picking up speed with the ongoing municipal heating plans of cities and municipalities and should be completed by 2026 / 2028.

Suitable grid-based district concepts are the prerequisite for sensibly tapping into potential areas and integrating waste heat from various sources. Renewable energy generation at district level has the advantage that the pressure on listed buildings with regard to the production of renewable energy is reduced or this problem may no longer be relevant at all.

The aim of the working group is to evaluate the energy supply at district level and to develop methods for integrating listed buildings in the district context into the energy and heat transition. The aim is to enable engineers, planners and decision-makers to think of buildings and energy supply and distribution systems in the neighborhood context more as a networked system.

The focus is also on extensive energy self-sufficiency. Energy imports should be reduced and the use of locally available renewable energies increased. Joint decision-making is necessary in order to think and act as a neighborhood community. Local people can contribute their different specialist skills. As a result, decentralized energy concepts can be adapted much better to the respective local conditions and tailor-made energy supply solutions are made possible.

Main focus of work:

  • Methods for the design of grid-based neighborhood concepts
  • Integration of listed buildings at neighborhood level
  • Utilization of synergy effects in settlement structures
  • Contributions to municipal heat planning
  • Involvement of local people
Acting head: Katja Tribulowski
Acting head: Katja Tribulowski


Katja Tribulowski

District concept in SIM-VICUS
District concept in SIM-VICUS


Members of the Working Group

Are you looking for a suitable expert from WG 12.3? You are welcome to search for your expert in the list of members.



Working Group 12.4: Sustainable materials and life cycle

Initial situation and objectives: It should be critically noted that when it comes to renovation measures in the field of building conservation and monument preservation, standard solutions that are used in the construction of new buildings are used far too often. This can lead to structural damage and irreparable loss of historic building fabric. The preservation of monuments - the historic building fabric and appearance - should have top priority. Particularly when it comes to improving the energy efficiency of listed buildings, comprehensive property-specific analyses and a holistic approach are important in order to find tailor-made solutions that are compatible with listed buildings.

In this context, the working group focuses on giving weight to methods for assessing and reducing the ecological footprint of buildings. The focus is on analyzing life cycle data in order to promote the use of materials and construction methods that are compatible with listed buildings and environmentally friendly. At the same time, the working group strives to minimize material-related CO2 emissions and to quantify the positive effects of preserving historic buildings on the CO2 footprint. Both traditional and innovative approaches are taken into account to ensure a balance between the preservation of cultural heritage and environmental responsibility.

Main focus of work:

  • Assessments of the CO2 footprint or gray energy with a focus on preserving the historic building fabric
  • Life cycle analyses for resource-efficient construction
  • Regional integration of site-specific recycled building materials
  • Implementation of the principles of the circular economy in the construction industry
Acting Head: Dr. Xiaoping Xie
Acting Head: Dr. Xiaoping Xie


Xiaoping Xie


Members of the Working Group

Are you looking for a suitable expert from WG 12.4? You are welcome to search for your expert in the list of members.



Working Group 12.5: Digital quality assurance and monitoring

Initial situation and objectives: In recent decades, computer-aided digital planning tools have developed into an important instrument for evaluating the climate impact of a wide range of measures. They offer the potential to address a wide range of issues relating to energy efficiency and climate protection in the planning process.

However, the use of digital tools in planning practice faces major challenges. The creation of a sufficiently accurate energy-efficient building model can be very time-consuming and labor-intensive, especially in existing buildings, and requires specialized knowledge and expertise of the software and the special features of the existing building fabric. In addition, the accuracy of the results depends heavily on the quality of the input data.

Quality assurance of the digital processes and the availability of reliable input data are therefore of crucial importance.  Verifiability must be continuously guaranteed and become part of the integral planning process. The refurbishment of existing buildings poses a particular challenge in terms of data acquisition compared to new buildings. Insufficient data is the rule. The working group will therefore collect, systematize and document the available scientific methods in order to effectively address the problem of fragmented data availability.

Sustainable quality assurance in the area of energy-efficient building and district planning can only be implemented through systematic TARGET-ACTUAL monitoring. Broad, data-based quality assurance through systematic comparison of key energy figures from building planning and operation is not provided by the energy consumption and energy requirement certificates that have been prescribed to date. Generally applicable methods must be established for the comparison of planning parameters and consumption data (monitoring).

Acting Head: Stephan Hirth
Acting Head: Stephan Hirth


Stephan Hirth

Main focus of work:

  • Definition and documentation of digital test scenarios
  • Boundary conditions and limits of the applicability of digital tools
  • Quality management in the area of input data and parameterization
  • Support of the target-actual comparison through monitoring procedures
Logo SIM-Quality
Logo SIM-Quality Funding code: 03ET1570B


Members of the Working Group

Are you looking for a suitable expert from WG 12.5? You are welcome to search for your expert in the list of members.



Our guiding principles

WTA Commission 12 develops innovative approaches to seamlessly integrate climate protection into the preservation of historical monuments. By bringing together tradition and sustainability, the unit reconciles ecological and cultural values and opens a new chapter in the preservation of our architectural heritage.

The unit's close connection with current research in architecture, building physics and renewable energy systems promotes sustainable approaches to energy efficiency and supports the assessment and reduction of the ecological footprint of historic buildings.

Luther House Wittenberg
Luther House Wittenberg
Gropius Building Berlin [© immoeinfach auf Pixabay]
Gropius Building Berlin

Overview of events, training courses and workshops

In this section you will find the dates of our training courses, working group meetings and other offers. 

07 - 09/11/2024 - Denkmal Monument Fair in Leipzig

The Denkmal in Leipzig is an important event for professionals, craftsmen and enthusiasts of monument preservation. Experts meet here to present the latest technologies, methods and best practices.

There will be a variety of lectures and workshops dealing with the challenges of monument preservation in the 21st century. Special attention will be paid to the sustainable preservation of monuments, the use of environmentally friendly materials and the integration of modern technologies into traditional building practices.

One highlight will be the presentation of new, innovative technologies that are used in the preservation of historical monuments. These include suitable tools for creating and simulating digital twins.

Another focus will be on the training and further education of specialists in heritage conservation. Programs will be presented that aim to inspire young professionals for monument conservation and equip them with the necessary skills to work successfully in this important field.

The Denkmal in Leipzig therefore not only offers an excellent opportunity to find out about the latest developments in heritage conservation, but also to make contacts and promote cooperation. The trade fair promises to be an exciting forum for the exchange of ideas and knowledge and demonstrates the relevance of monument preservation in a constantly changing world.

Further information about the fair can be found on the official website of the Denkmal Trade Fair.

Digital twin of the Andreas Schubert Building in VICUS-Building
Digital twin of the Andreas Schubert Building in VICUS-Building

18/10/2024 - Second WTA Commission meeting (Online)

We are pleased to announce that we have successfully established the various groups with the relevant members and contributors. In the second working group meeting, we took advantage of the benefits of an online meeting so that the effort involved could be minimized.

Commision 12 has now grown to more than 70 members. Some new members are involved in more than one WG. In recent weeks, we have held numerous constructive discussions to ensure that everyone involved has the opportunity to contribute their ideas and suggestions. This has enabled us to establish a clear thematic focus that will serve as a guideline for our future work.

In addition, we have already made an initial distribution of work in these first meetings. Each group member has taken on specific tasks and responsibilities based on their individual skills and experience.

The initial feedback from the groups has been extremely positive and it is already apparent that the chosen topics and tasks are leading to exciting discussions and innovative solutions. There is great anticipation for the next steps and we are convinced that we will make progress together. We are looking forward to further developments and to seeing how the group work will unfold in the coming months.

Online meeting of Commision 12 - symbolic image
Online meeting of Commision 12

21/06/2024 - Kick-Off Meeting of WTA-Technical Commission 12 - in Dresden

Kick-Off Meeting WTA Technical Commision 12
Presentation Technical Commission 12 - Working Group 1


In the context of advancing climate change, we need to rethink the refurbishment and energy supply of listed buildings.

Progressive climate change presents us with major challenges, particularly with regard to the protection of our cultural heritage. Listed buildings are not only historical witnesses of times gone by, but also essential elements of our identity. At the same time, they are often inefficient in their energy use and are in urgent need of modernization. The preservation and renovation of listed buildings is a shared responsibility. Local regenerative energy supply concepts offer a promising solution here. By using solar energy, wind power or geothermal energy, entire districts can be sustainably supplied with energy without compromising the historic appearance of the buildings.

Dynamic planning methods are the key.

Traditional norms and standards often fall short when it comes to renovating listed buildings. They do not take into account the specific building physics requirements and historical characteristics of these buildings. This is where the use of dynamic planning methods comes into play. Building physics-based simulations make it possible to develop precise and individual refurbishment concepts that meet both climate protection requirements and monument protection regulations. These methods allow a detailed analysis of the energy properties and help to find tailor-made solutions.

Overall, it shows that the protection of our cultural heritage and climate protection can go hand in hand. Through innovative technologies, collaborative action and a conscious use of our resources, we can make listed buildings fit for the future and make an important contribution to combating climate change.

WTA takes off: 56 members and 19 interested parties from business, science and administration - a strong network for innovation

WTA Division 12 recorded an impressive number of participants at the kick-off meeting. A total of 56 members and 19 interested persons from various areas of business, science and administration took part, representing 61 organizations. This shows the increasing importance of and interest in the work of the newly founded Unit 12. The individual working groups within Unit 12 communicated clear but also ambitious goals. The aim is to identify realistic and feasible first steps. Close cooperation and continuous exchange between members from different sectors should create fertile ground for innovative ideas.

Overview of current news relating to Division 12.

18/10/2024 - Working groups start work.

It is with great pleasure that WTA Division 12 announces the official start of work within the groups focusing on the promotion of sustainable technologies. The second working group meeting brought together representatives from all groups to define goals and strategies. New members were officially welcomed and accepted into the individual groups. The participants discussed synergies and the exchange of best practices.

Unit 12 aims to develop innovative solutions that not only make economic sense, but also have a positive impact on the environment. In times of climate change, it is of utmost importance to integrate sustainable practices into building and heritage conservation.

Each working group has specific goals and uses strategic approaches to tackle the multi-faceted challenges in their field. Take a look at the focus areas of each working group, perhaps you can help us with our forward-looking activities.

The coming months promise exciting developments beyond the sector.

Online working group meeting - symbolic image
Online working group meeting of Division 12

21/06/2024 - Establishment of WTA Commission 12 »Climate Protection, Energy and Simulation«

The creation of the unit marks the beginning of a new era for the WTA, characterized by the combination of traditional values with pioneering technologies. This visionary project, which aims to nurture young and enthusiastic talent, reflects the WTA's commitment to pioneering the combination of environmental protection, heritage conservation and digital progress. Unit 12 opens up new horizons for professionals from various disciplines such as civil engineering, building physics, architecture, geology, energy technology, building services, energy consulting and other relevant fields. It not only offers an opportunity for participation, but is also conceived as a platform on which the future of our architectural heritage can be rethought and redesigned. You are cordially invited to become part of this exciting development, which will be a valuable service to both your professional career and the preservation of our built heritage.

Each working group pursues specific goals and uses strategic approaches to tackle the multi-faceted challenges in their field. Take a look at the focus areas of each working group, perhaps you can help us with our forward-looking activities.

Signature for the new establishment of the WTA working group on climate protection, energy and simulation - symbolic image
Signature for the new foundation

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