The WTA today
In order to be able to adequately cover the broad field of preservation of buildings and monuments, eleven departments have been set up in the WTA to date, which - subdivided into working groups - deal with the processing of the pending subject areas. A large part of the work is carried out in the working groups, which are each formed for a precisely defined task in the technical commissions. As a rule, the working group records and evaluates the current state of knowledge and publishes it as a state of the art report.
The resulting new findings are often summarised for practical application and published in the form of a recommendation.
WTA now has more than 500 members in various countries. WTA members have formed regional groups. Supplementary tasks of these groups are, among others, the organisation of regional seminars and the adaptation of the recommendations prepared by the WTA to the regional conditions as well as their translation into the respective national language.