
7th WTA Colloquium – Maintenance of Concrete Buildings - June 10th, 2022

Strategies for the Conservation of Historic Concrete Structures

Concrete heritage buildings from the 20th century are at risk, due to the absence of recognition of the historic values of these buildings as well as to the lack of knowledge of the specific characteristics of historic concrete structures. Frequently, solutions developed for repair of contemporary structures are applied to historic concrete buildings, resulting in interventions which are neither compatible nor durable.

The scope of the lectures has ranged from the possibilities of new investigation methods and procedures of condition assessment, from the application of innovative materials to the use of heritage precast concrete elements. In addition, main results from relevant case studies were presented.

The Colloquium aimed at providing building owners, employees from planning and engineering offices, construction companies, concrete experts, architects and representatives of authorities, with the latest developments in the field of conservation of concrete historic buildings, as resulting from practice and from international research projects.

Conference programme

Overview of the project CONSECH20: CONSErvation of 20th century concrete Cultural Heritage in urban changing environments
Dr. Christiana Nunes, ITAM, Prague

Innovative materials and techniques for the conservation of the 20th century concrete-based cultural heritage
Maria J. Mosquera, PhD, University of Cádiz

Textile reinforced concrete - Opportunities for the restoration of historical concrete structures
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Jeanette Orlowsky, Werkstoffe des Bauwesens, TU Dortmund

Challenges of pre-cast concrete heritage – Examples from the Netherlands
Dr.-Ing. Herdis Heinemann, TNO, Delft

Surface Repair with Carbon Reinforced Concrete –practice examples
Dr.-Ing. Cynthia Morales Cruz, ibac - Institut für Baustoffforschun

UniversityReinforced concrete architectures of the first half of the 20th-century in Genoa, Italy
Prof. Dr. Giovanna Franco, University of Genova

Why is there a crack? Modern inspection methods for old concrete
Dr. Frank Lehmann
Materials Testing Institute University of Stuttgart

Good vs poor intervention practices on historic concrete structures The case of Cyprus
Dr. Antroula Georgiou, University of Cyprus

From theory to practice: Degradation patterns and conservation strategies in concrete buildings built until the 1960s in the Netherlands
Dr. Gabriel Pardo Redondo, TU Delft

You can download the abstracts of the contributions here.


International Association for Science and Technology of Building Maintenance and Monument Preservation – WTA International and the national group WTA NL-VL
TU Delft, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, in collaboration with the JPI-CH Project CONSECH20

Scientific committee

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rolf P. Gieler
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl. Chem. Andrea Osburg
Dr. Barbara Lubelli
Dr. ir. Wido Quist



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